Unit 2 - Introduction Speech

Writing and delivery of your Introduction Speeches: "Who am I?"
50 pts for the mindmap/Draft #1 script and Draft #2 script 
50 pts for the performance

TIME (minimum of 45 sec - Max of 2 minutes)
Purpose: To inform the audience about yourself.

You are starting from a baseline position where your audience most likely has little to no experience of who you are or what you are like.

Mindmap and then Outline about:
  • Family (extended , parents, siblings, and pets)
  • Community (Neighborhood, neighbors, friends)
  • School (teachers, classmates, classes, administrators)
  • Food (home, restaurants, cooking, eating, growing)
  • Activities (sports, arts, groups, clubs, church...etc)


Remember: You cannot tell your audience everything about yourself in two minutes, so don't try and write your memoir or autobiography.

Practical Tip...OUTLINE that Speech!

Ask someone to PEER EDIT
PEER editors should be asking:
a.) Is it a single clear topic?
b.) Does it cover too much for two minutes?
c.) What are some questions you have that you want answered?
d.) What is most interesting in the outline that you want to know more about?

HAVE ALL PEER EDITORS SIGN YOUR OUTLINE!!! Save it! Turn it in with your final script.

  1. REDRAFT your outline - use your classmates suggestions and add to your outline. Take ALL suggestions as valuable and try to incorporate changes to make the outline stronger.
  2. SCRIPT your speech from the final outline.
  3. TIME IT - make sure you are at the 2 minute mark.
  4. PEER EDITS - this time you want to read the script outloud to a peer and have them give you feedback. 
  5. FINALIZE YOUR SCRIPT and print off a copy to speak from in class. (make the font large enough to see at the podium)
  6. PRACTICE the speech - read through it out loud on your own at least five times to prepare.

NOTE: make sure the conclusion is interesting
Find a quote, saying, proverb etc... that is significant and meaningful to your life, and Conclude your speech leaving the audience with insight into YOU!

Rubric / proficiency Scale

Learning Goal: Students will know how to find topics about themselves that are worth the time to share, and they will learn the steps to building a properly constructed speech from an outline (like an essay)

Proficiency scale for INTRODUCTION Speeches

(A+) – student innately prepares a speech with minimal prep time that contains a solid path and message for the intended audience. The student also is able to effectively engage the whole audience with excellence in audience scanning and eye contact. Student has an excellent level of volume and speaks with extreme clarity. Provided all of the edits and drafts required and maybe some extra.

(A- and B+) -  student is able to prepare a speech with minimal prep time that contains a path and message for the audience. The student also is able to engage the whole audience with some audience scanning and eye contact. Student has a proficient level of volume and speaks with clarity. Has provided the required edits and drafts.

(B and C+) - student is able to prepare a speech with some assistance and with minimal prep time that contains a message for the audience. The student engages the audience with some eye contact. Student has an audible level of volume and some clarity. Has some drafting and edits that needed additional work.

(C and D) - student is partially able to prepare a speech with assistance and the speech contains little or no diserable message. With some help the student engages the audience, but has trouble with some eye contact. Student, at times has an audible level of volume but lacks clarity. No drafts or edits were completed (maybe started, but not finished)

(F) – Student can not complete the assignment, even with assistance.

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